Our 2021-2025 strategy looks to accelerate action towards the elimination of hepatitis by 2030. It puts the people and communities impacted by hepatitis at the centre of the solution and looks to build on the foundations of previous strategies.

Our 2021-2025 strategy comes at a time where we have just ten years left to reach the World Health Organization (WHO) target of the elimination of viral hepatitis. Now is the time for a new strategy to coincide with the 2022 release of the new World Health Organization’s  Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis (GHSS). Our strategy also looks to address the the evolving landscape of health systems caused by COVID-19 and the introduction of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). 

2021- 2025 objectives



1. Mobilise resources for hepatitis elimination across global health priorities, national health systems, and UHC programmes.



2. Hold governing bodies to account to achieve the 2030 elimination goals.


3. Increase the impact of our members and civil society organisations by building capacity, facilitating innovation, strengthening networks, and increasing collaboration across the elimination ecosystem. 



4. Amplify the voice and visibility of empowered people living with hepatitis and the affected communities to increase empathy and motivate action by decision makers. 

Pillars of work

Drive action on viral hepatitis elimination across health systems and the global health agenda

  • UHC/health systems strengthening/ civil society 
  • Maternal and child health
  • NCDs
  • Vaccination
  • PWID and other affected communities

Hold international bodies and national governments accountable to the 2030 commitments

Increase funding and resources available for elimination

Increase the skills and abilities of civil society to advocate for and implement elimination

Support and motivate individuals living with or affected by hepatitis

Lead the activist movement focused on equity, social justice and human rights

Facilitate a robust global network of civil society organisations to share knowledge, experience and accelerate change

Create synergies between stakeholders across the elimination system to generate innovation, collaboration, and joint working

Increase knowledge and awareness of viral hepatitis, its impact, and the need for its elimination

Increase empathy for people living with and affected by viral hepatitis to generate compassion in society and behaviour change in decision makers

Provide evidence-based research and piolet projects to drive innovation and accelerate elimination

Our programmes