SAWERA Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization based in Faisalabad-Punjab. It is an Urdu word means Morning. Faisalabad is Famous for its textile industry, also called the Manchester of Pakistan.
SAWERA Organization was established in the year 2007, with the objectives of progressive approaches for the undeveloped communities. It focuses to bring up the opportunities for the downtrodden communities, where they could feel themselves strengthened.
To empower the downtrodden communities for their equal place in the society and release them from the evil of poverty, injustice and discrimination where all will have the access to the basic human rights.
To contribute to a significant decline for the social status in the society.
Foundation’s Ethic:
Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself.
"We believe in human Equality"
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Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
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