Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (PKIDS)



T: +1 360 6950293



PO Box 5666, Vancouver, WA 98668 WA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
About Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (PKIDS)

Mission Statement

"PKIDs' mission is to educate the public about infectious diseases, the methods of prevention and transmission, the latest advances in medicine, and the elimination of social stigma borne by the infected; and to assist the families of the children living with hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, or other chronic, viral infectious diseases with emotional, financial and informational support."

Who We Are

PKIDs (Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases) started in 1996 when some parents couldn't find babysitters, playmates, or even many relatives willing to spend time with their children. Fear and ignorance of hepatitis B and C and HIV make people do such things.

The search for parents sharing their situation turned up no formal organization, but they did find lots of other moms and dads searching. Consequently, PKIDs incorporated as a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit in 1997.

As a pediatric organization, we fill a void in the nonprofit world and work with many national groups as the children's representative. We believe that much can be done when groups work together and we initiate and/or support such undertakings.

We encourage global childhood immunizations, using standard precautions in daily living, research to find cures for hepatitis B and C and HIV, prevention of the spread of infectious disease and elimination of fear of those living with these diseases through the education of kids and adults. Toward that end, we're constantly working to find creative projects that will change risky behaviors, illuminate minds and ensure the good health of children.