Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization (PRWSWO), a non-profit making non-governmental organization founded in 1997 by a group of community workers interested in the improvement of the standard of life of the disadvantage sections of the society particularly rural masses, through a variety of socio economic services by adopting multi-disciplinary approaches in the different social sectors.
The main purpose of PRWSWO is to improve the socio-economic conditions of disadvantaged, vulnerable & poverty stricken rural communities along with marginalized and indigenous population by adopting multi-dimensional approaches and meaningful community based initiatives and demand driven interventions.
To build communities where people can lead their lives with dignity, honour and without any discrimination based on class, race, religion or language.
PRWSWO mission is to create a society where marginalized and vulnerable communities are socially, economically & politically empowered through their active participation
To strive for existence of a balanced and peaceful society having protection & promotion of basic human rights, dignity, honor, self respect, harmony, inter faith and social justice for all regardless of caste, color, race age, creed, gender, social status, religion & language etc.
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