Ontario Hepatitis C Treatment Program / Access AIDS Network




T: +1 705 6880500




111 Elm Street, Suite 203, Sudbury ON P3C 1T3 AB P3C 1T3 Canada
About Ontario Hepatitis C Treatment Program / Access AIDS Network

Mission Statement:
Réseau ACCESS Network is a non-profit, community-based charitable organization, committed to promoting wellness, harm and risk reduction and education. Réseau ACCESS Network supports individuals – and serves the whole community – in a comprehensive / holistic approach to HIV/AIDS, Hep C and related health issues.

There are three primary groupings of services available:

1. Direct Client Services

a) For persons living with HIV/AIDS and those co-infected with Hepatitis C:

Case Management
Supportive Practical Assistance
Women’s Clinic
Outreach Services – Harm Reduction
HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and STI testing available with Health Unit
Gay Men and Men who have sex with Men (MSM) Sexual Health Program

b) For persons living with Hepatitis C and those co-infected with HIV/AIDS:

Case Management
Supportive Practical Assistance
Hepatitis C Treatment
Women’s Clinic
Outreach Services – Harm Reduction
HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and STI testing available with Health Unit
Gay Men and Men who have sex with Men (MSM) Sexual Health Program

c) For persons affected by, or at risk of HIV/AIDS and/or Hepatitis C:

Outreach Services – Harm Reduction
Supportive Counselling
Women’s Clinic
HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and STI testing available with Health Unit
Gay Men and Men who have sex with Men (MSM) Sexual Health Program

2. Education and Prevention Services

Effective education can help prevent new infections by providing people with information about HIV and Hepatitis C, how they are passed on, and in doing so equip individuals with the knowledge to protect themselves from becoming infected.

Education is provided through:

Education in Schools
Education in the Workplace
Speaker’s Bureau
Opening Doors Conference
Women and HIV/AIDS Community Development Program
Health Sexuality and Youth Program
Placement Students

3. Community Resources – Volunteer Services

Volunteering has a meaningful, positive impact on our community. Volunteering with Réseau ACCESS Network is a great opportunity to develop new skills, gain work experience, meet interesting people, be part of a team and work in a friendly and supportive environment. Our volunteers are a valuable resource and an important link between Réseau ACCESS Network and the people who make up the community we serve.

We abide by the following Philosophy Statement

As a team working collaboratively and with passion, dedication and creativity:

We ACCEPT every individual regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, ethnic origin, gender, language, physical or mental status, sexual orientation, drug and/or alcohol use, age, gender identity, sexual risk behaviour or level of education.

We do all within our power to AFFIRM in each individual’s unique self-worth.

We provide ASSISTANCE to individuals in an atmosphere of confidentiality.

We ADVOCATE for continuous improvement in support services, education, harm reduction, public awareness, and ongoing public financial support.

We are ACCOUNTABLE to the public, individuals we serve, and our funders and supporters for our programs and services and stewardship of funds.