National Welfare & Human Development Org (NWHDO)



T + 92 223895038



Near Uderolal bus stop Nassrpur, District Tando Allahyar, Sindh 70040 70040 Pakistan
About National Welfare & Human Development Org (NWHDO)

The National Welfare and Human Development Organization (NWHDO) is non-political and non-profit organization established and registered in District Matiari in 2009 under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Reg. &control) Ordinance 1961. Subsequently the Union Council Nasarpur was excluded from district Matiari and included in district tando Allahyar, by the Government.

The National Welfare and Human Development Organization is a newly established registered organization, with its base office at Nasarpur town, taluka and district Tando Allahyar, Sindh Pakistan. The idea for establishing NWHDO is a result of long consultative process, and solicitous thought given to famishing human development conditions, which reflect the comparative status of sustainable economic development , and leave an adverse impact on overall progressive status of the masses. Several visits to rural communities postured a dismal picture, main cause being the poverty and backwardness. There was a sense of deprivation in these communities, as they were living in dehumanizing conditions. They wanted a respectable living standard, with every facility at their door steps.

Subsequently the entirety of situation was contemplated and deliberated . Some matured and senior citizens, activists, intellectuals, and youngsters, decided to establish an organization, for welfare and development of civil society, specially the neglected areas making start from district Matiari. Reason for limiting geographical focus to only one district, was to gain experience and then to enhance the area of operation to provincial level, and across the country.

NWHDO hopes that in due course of time it will be an organization of international repute and excellence, and hallmark for service to civil society. Our focus will be to achieve in 21th century, what we could not gain in 20th century.


A society free of de-humanizing conditions with better education, sound health, less poverty, healthy environment and access to other basic needs


To deliver services for national welfare and sustainable human development to less privileged rural, semi urban and less privileged areas under the themes of NWHDO.