1. World hepatitis commeration. This we have been organising since 2015 together with Gambia Government, Ministry of Health, National Aids Control program, Medical Research Council and other NGOs/ stakeholders.
2. We also organise community screening and sensitisations. This also includes television and radio programmes.
3. We also help in training members/ community/ health workers on hepatitis B testing and screening.
4. NAHA also been organising workshops for Members to improve their knowledge on Hepatitis.
5. Families/ members are also assisted with counselling services.
86 bis route de Frontenex
Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
The information on this website is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional.
© World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), 2020. All rights reserved. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.