Jnana Shakti Foundation is a non profit organization, working for the welfare of people of Uttar Pradesh. It all started in the summers of 2013, when some likeminded young professionals decided to do something in stead of blaming the situation. Initially the group worked in the community with the intent to reduce the pollution and environment conservation but soon the group realised that community welfare is not an isolated effort for a particular program, a holistic approach was the demand of time.
In February 2014, a society was registered with the name "Jnana Shakti Foundation", where word "Jnana" has it's origin from Sanskrit Language which means "Knowledge", Shakti means power. The group had the intent to create a more aware community which not only, can take care of itself but also take preventive action.
Currently society has following agenda on it's focus
01. Reducing the disease burden load by making aware citizens – Healthcare
02. Takeing action to conserve the environment and reduce pollution – Environment
03. Making citizen aware about their rights by providing the information, which will provide transparent and corruption free service delivery system – RTI, Governance, Anti- Corruption
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