Hepatitis WA Inc




T: +610892279805




134 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge, Western Australia ACT 6003 Australia
About Hepatitis WA Inc

About us:

HepatitisWA (Inc) is a non-profit community-based organisation providing free services to the community. HepatitisWA aims to assist in obtaining the best possible care and support for people affected by hepatitis, reducing discrimination and stigma directed at people living with viral hepatitis and raising community awareness in relation to hepatitis.

Our services include:

Support services for people who are affected by hepatitis by providing advice and support on living well with hepatitis, treatment options, managing treatments and referral. Support staff can be accessed by telephone, e-mail or face to face meetings by appointment. Peer support can be arranged. Contact 92279806 for more information.

The Hepatitis Helpline is available to every member of the community by contacting 93288538 (Metro) or 1800 800 070 (Country)

Community development in the form of: 

  • education workshops and events for all members of the community including multicultural populations, youth through schools and youth at risk.
  • workforce development for all workplaces, pharmacies, health professionals and service providers in metropolitan and rural WA. Contact 92279806 for more information.
  • Needle and syringe services during office hours from our premises at 134 Aberdeen st, Northbridge, including limited (fortnightly) clinical services for testing, treatment advice, vaccination and referral. Contact (08) 9328 8538 (metro) or 1800 800 070 (country) for more information.
  • Prisoner Blood Borne Virus Education: HepatitisWA is contracted by the Department of Corrections to provide prevention education in relation to blood borne viruses to prisoners in metropolitan prisons.

The purpose of HepatitisWA is to respond effectively to the needs of people affected by hepatitis, and to enhance community awareness, health and wellbeing through information dissemination, education, support and advocacy in relation to hepatitis.


To provide leadership in developing a world where people affected by hepatitis are able to maximize their health and wellbeing; and where hepatitis will be eliminated.


Minimise the personal and social impact for people affected by hepatitis.
Provide an information service about viral hepatitis.
Assist in preventing the transmission of hepatitis.
Promote community awareness of hepatitis.
Contribute to community, state and national hepatitis prevention initiatives.
Influence public health policy and practice, and law in relation to hepatitis.