Hepatitis NSW Inc




T: +61 2 93321853




Level 4, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surrey Hills ACT NSW 2010 Australia
About Hepatitis NSW Inc

A world free of viral hepatitis

Mission statement

We work to prevent the transmission of viral hepatitis and to improve the health and well-being of affected people and communities


Inclusiveness – We provide a range of non-judgemental services and information to all people living with or affected by viral hepatitis

Excellence – We deliver quality and innovative services informed by evidence-based research, harm reduction principles and dialogue with affected communities

Collaboration – We build strong partnerships with our stakeholders

Integrity – We are accountable to our communities and transparent in our actions

Independence – We work in the best interests of people affected by viral hepatitis

We commit to our vision.

We stand by and work to our mission statement.

We will promote, cherish and abide by our values.