Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura or HFT, an organization dedicated to work primarily in the field of liver disease & gradually, extending its zone of activities to many other health programs with the basic idea to develop mass awareness regarding health problem.
The organization was brought into the day light on 28th July, 2002 by the few members from different profession & position. The initial target was to arm people of Tripura with correct scientific knowledge about Hepatitis and Jaundice, so as to prevent unscrupulous practice of vaccination against Hepatitis B by the money mongers & Pseudo- social workers and to remove false believe and taboo about jaundice among common people.
* To explain the preventive & protective aspect of various diseases in simplest manner to the people.
* Mass immunization against Hepatitis-B
* Expansion of activities by opening branches of the Foundation & Hepatitis Clinic up to the peripheral level.
* To take active initiative for research on Hepatitis in Tripura
* To bring Hepatitis B vaccination under the preview of National Immunization Programme
* To provide counseling services to the patient of Hepatitis and their relatives.
* Screening of family members of Hepatitis B.
* To provide necessary treatment to the patient of Hepatitis.
* To create a Hepatitis Registry in the state.
* To work in the field of HIV/AIDS to generate mass awareness, counseling, and Prevention of Stigma.
* To participate in various Health related programme.
* To extend the activities in different sphere of health care delivery system.
86 bis route de Frontenex
Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
The information on this website is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional.
© World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), 2020. All rights reserved. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.