Hepatitis C Partnership – Terms of Reference
1. To establish a national collaborative network of stakeholders working in the area of Hepatitis C across the community/voluntary/statutory sectors with service user involvement at its centre.
2. To provide a centralised information hub for all voluntary/community groups working with people with Hepatitis C and explore options around annual information meetings/conferences, social media information sharing/networking.
3. To enhance and strengthen the support and information sharing network through the community/voluntary sector by working collaboratively with the service providers and groups such as ICORN, the HSE National Hepatitis C Strategy Implementation Group and the Consultative Council on Hepatitis C.
4. To undertake and participate in public awareness campaigns which promote testing, treatment and general health promotion in relation to Hepatitis C, together with the above groups.
5. To share the many experiences of the already established Hepatitis C networks in the community and provide a platform for service user experience to be heard and communicated onto the service providers.
6. To advocate for the continued rollout of the HSE National Hepatitis C Strategy through national collaboration.
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Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
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