Hepatitis B Initiative of Washington DC (HBI-DC)




T: + 571-274-0021




1725 I St NW, Suite 3000, Washington DC 20006 AA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
About Hepatitis B Initiative of Washington DC (HBI-DC)


A world free from liver disease caused by hepatitis B. 


To mobilize communities to prevent liver disease caused by hepatitis B among Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, African newcomers, and other high-risk groups in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Through collaborative partnerships, HBI-DC provides culturally and linguistically appropriate hepatitis B outreach, education, screening, vaccination, linkages to care, and patient navigation services for impacted communities. In 2013, HBI-DC started screening for hepatitis C as well.

Accomplishments (2009-2014)

  • Screened more than 7000 at-risk individuals for hepatitis B
  • Provided in-person education to 11,400 individuals
  • Identified over 2200 individuals vulnerable to infection in need of vaccination
  • Begun or completed hepatitis B vaccination for 1323 at-risk individuals
  • Identified and followed up with 397 individuals who are infected with HBV and 81 with HCV, giving them a chance to prevent the long-term complications of hepatitis.
  • Organized over 196 hepatitis B education, screening, or vaccination events.