FIRE • Flagstaff International Relief Efforts



T: +976 70101810



PO 44, Box 870 Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar 14250 Mongolia
About FIRE • Flagstaff International Relief Efforts

FIRE – Flagstaff International Relief Effort, is a non-profit, non-government organization (NGO), headquartered in Flagstaff, Arizona with a registered NGO branch office in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and team representatives in Langtang and Kathmandu, Nepal. FIRE began its work in 1999, in the devastated economy of post-Soviet Mongolia on the foundation of “placing aid directly in the hands of the people.” FIRE continually evolves, meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Through sustainable and award-winning programming with a focus on research, development, and evaluation, FIRE empowers communities and individuals. Our responsible, multi-layered programs work with partners at all levels — local, national and international — including government, civil society, and individuals.

Since 2009, FIRE has provided 8,526 people in 7 provinces with comprehensive liver and cancer screenings; distributed 78,500 pieces of community awareness materials; vaccinated 3,022 people; trained 3,571 health care workers; distributed 155,000 sharps containers and $1,000,000 in medical supplies; distributed 2,000 health safety training videos.

In 2016, FIRE was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) as one of five “Innovative Hepatitis Screening Projects” in the world. In 2017 FIRE’s hepatitis work in Mongolia was featured three times in the "Economist Intelligence Unit." FIRE continues to design and implement programs that are culturally sensitive, focused on rural, underserved populations, that can be replicated in other countries and communities throughout the world. Over the years, FIRE’s working partnerships have included the Mongolian Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH), the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University, the American Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, countless state organizations and hospitals across Mongolia and more.


FIRE works to improve health and development through value-centered, community-based programs encompassing cultural diversity and heritage.


Communities around the world are empowered with a higher quality of life through access to safe health care and sustainable resources for responsible development.