Participation on the World Hepatitis Day with a print and digital posters with the theme #Thinkhepatitis for the awareness on the HVC, HVB and liver cancer.
– II Patient Forum focused, between others, on HVC.
– The Annual National Congress focused on great measure on viral hepatitis.
– The creation of the Grupo de Apoyo a Enfermos de Hepatitis C (GAEHC); the Support group for the HVC patients.
– Production of the video: Cambia la historia (Change the history), in witch 3 HVC patients talked on the huge change on the lives after receiving the medication for curing the decease.
– The collaboration with the National Health System on the elaboration of the National Strategic Plan for HVC, in witch the government outlined the plan for the implementation nationwide of the HVC medications.
-The free online course of HVC.
– Proposal on the participative budget of Madrid City for a campaign of the early detection of HVC.
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Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
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