Evidence Based Medicine Foundation




T: +7 (499) 340 0501




21 Garibaldi, Moscow 117335 RUSSIA
About Evidence Based Medicine Foundation
  1. Educating patients with HCV/HBV on various aspects of living with the disease (education sessions for patients and their relatives, development and distribution of IEC materials, website)
  2. Raising awareness on HCV/HBV in the society via various outreach activities: dissemination of information, organization of free rapid HCV testing and counselling events; media engagement on WHD and beyond
  3. Promoting broad access of Russian HCV patients to treatment:
    1. Initiation and organization of the 1st Round Table on access to HCV treatment at the Russian Duma (State Parliament), 23 March 2015
    2. Development and assistance in implementation of the largest state-funded HCV treatment program in one of the Russian regions (Moscow region)
    3. Dissemination of the best case experience among health administrators at federal and regional level
  4. Promoting evidence based approaches in treatment of viral hepatitis (ex. Education sessions for healthcare professionals and administrators assistance in developing care and treatment standards, etc.)