Dutch Liver Patients Association




0031 (0) 85 273 49 88




Van Boetzelaerlaan 24J, Hoogland 3828NS Netherlands
About Dutch Liver Patients Association

The Dutch Liver Patient Association (NLV) is an active patient organisation for The Netherlands, for a wide variety of liver diseases.
The NLV wants to be the ' Voice and Support '' for everybody who is facing a liver disease. Patients, relatives, health care providers and other people who are involved. We inform, support and advocates for patients with a liver disease.

The NLV advocates for the best care and quality of life for people with a liver disease. Our mission is based our the core or a patient organisation, as formulated in our statutes.

1. information to provide knowledge from a patient perspective
2. contact moments between patients
3. lobbying and advocacy
4. providing patient input at scientific research.
5. promoting of social and psychological well being and psychosocial well-being.