CDAHEF has been conducting the following activities in Oyo State of Nigeria :
1. Advocacy to relevant stakeholders
2. Awareness creation
3. Community Mobilization
4. Outreach Education on Viral Hepatitis
5. Screening of Community populace to obtain their Viral Hepatitis status
6. Counseling and Testing
7. Proper referral system to Health facilities for necessary Diagnosis and Treatment
8. Follow-up on people placed on Hepatitis treatment
9. Providing Home-Based Care and Support
10. Drug Adherence Counseling
11. Monitoring and Evaluation
12. Report Writing
13. Networking and Collaboration
14. Commemorating World Hepatitis Day – July 28 of each year.
15. Attending Hepatitis Summits at National, Regional and International levels
Recent examples of activities on Viral Hepatitis
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Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
The information on this website is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional.
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