Based in Birmingham, UK CLDF is:
•a comprehensive information hub for healthcare professionals and the general public
•a tailored support service for children, young people and young adults with liver disease and their families
•the lead charity supporting medical research into all aspects of childhood liver diseases in the UK
•the voice for children, young people and young adults with a childhood liver disease and their families.
All of these activities include Viral Hepatitis e.g. we provide health information on Hepatitis A and C and are currently developing a suite of tools regarding Hepatitis B. We are also currently lobbying for universal hepatitis B vaccine for children, we support children and families affected by viral hepatitis and we fund research into childhood liver disease with applications regarding childhood hepatitis eligible for funding.
86 bis route de Frontenex
Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
The information on this website is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional.
© World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), 2020. All rights reserved. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.