The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) is an active national non-governmental organization which, while established and currently functioning on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS, focuses much of its community engagement, collaboration, consultation, and advocacy efforts in issues relevant to viral hepatitis and with/on behalf of people living with and affected by hepatitis across Canada. CAS is currently engaged with federal and provincial/territorial governments focused on community-based investments in a national response to address hepatitis, and to advocate for jurisdictional coverage of pharmacological interventions. CAS is also currently in a process with its members from which the organization’s strategic plan, mission and mandate will integrate our community-based response to HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, and representation of people living with HIV/AIDS and people living with and affected by hepatitis. Formally connecting current organizational efforts domestically with active focus on hepatitis globally will situate CAS well in its coordinated and well-informed policy and program development going forward.
The Canadian AIDS Society is an active member of the Canadian Society for International Health's Global Hepatitis Network.
The Canadian AIDS Society is an active member of the Canadian Society for International Health's World Hepatitis Committee(s).
The Canadian AIDS Society is an active member of Action Hepatitis Canada.
The Canadian AIDS Society is an active member of Action Hepatitis Canada's Steering Committee.
The Canadian AIDS Society's National Programs Consultant is an active member of Action Hepatitis Canada's Executive Committee.
The Canadian AIDS Society and its members actively engage people living with and affected by hepatitis through existing networks, and through ongoing community engagement and national fora.
The Canadian AIDS Society collaborated with stakeholders from across Canada to develop and publish "Responding to the Epidemic: Recommendations for a Canadian Hepatitis C Strategy".
The Canadian AIDS Society collaborated with stakeholders from across Canada to develop and publish "A National Hepatitis C Strategy in Canada – A Discussion Paper".
The Canadian AIDS Society facilitates ongoing consultation opportunities between people living with and affected by hepatitis and the Government of Canada's Public Health Agency.
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Geneva 6 Switzerland
The information on this website is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional.
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