British Liver Trust



T: 01425 481320



2 Southampton Road, Ringwood, Hants BH24 1HY United Kingdom
About British Liver Trust

Liver disease is the fifth largest killer in the UK. We are here for everyone affected by liver disease, wherever they are in the UK.  

  • We support patients so they don’t have to face liver disease alone
  • We campaign to improve awareness so people are aware of the risks to the liver
  • We lobby for improved services for liver patients
  • We fund research to find the causes and treatments of liver disease
  • We work right across the country from Scotland to Northern Ireland, Wales and England.

Our key activities are:

  • Patient services, which include: this website, an information line, a range of informative and detailed publications, and our nationwide network of patient support groups
  • Improving awareness of the risks and causes of liver disease, including our annual campaign Love Your Liver
  • Research into the causes and treatments of liver disease, when funding allows, to reduce the impact and incidence in the future
  • Supporting health professionals to deliver high standards of care and support to those affected
  • Ensuring patients have a voice at local and national government level
  • Educating the public about the risks and how to avoid them