Blood Ties Four Direction Centre



T: +1 867-633-2437



405 Ogilvie St Whitehorse YT Y1A 2S5 Canada
About Blood Ties Four Direction Centre

Our Cause:
Community = Health & Social Equality for All

Our Mission:
Our mission is to eliminate barriers and create opportunities for people to have equal access to health & wellness and to live in our community with dignity.

Our Values:
1. We believe a community is diminished when people who need health and wellness are marginalized.
2. We believe in equitable delivery and availability of health services.
3. We believe that people who use drugs, people who are challenged with stigmatizing health conditions, people who are incarcerated and people who are insecurely housed are especially at risk for not having equal access to health & wellness and a life in our community with dignity.
4. We believe in the power of Yukon’s cultural diversity and the richness of its First Nation, Inuit and Metis tradition and roots.