Founded in 1976, the American Liver Foundation (ALF) is the nation’s leading nonprofit health organization for people living with liver disease. We are a nationwide network of staff and volunteers that provides awareness, outreach, education and patient support services to educate the public about liver health and to improve the lives of individuals and their families affected by liver disease.
Our mission is to facilitate, advocate and promote education, support and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease.
ALF offers several Community Education Programs on liver health and liver disease that are interactive and age appropriate. These popular programs include:
A variety of disease-specific brochures are available in multiple languages. Our “1-2-3” initiatives, online education and support programs targeting specific diseases, offer information about risk factors, symptoms, testing and diagnosis, prevention and treatment options.
Support / National HelpLine
1-800-GO-LIVER (1-800-465-4837)
Information specialists are available to answer questions about liver disease and liver wellness, including risk factors, prevention, symptoms, early detection, diagnosis and treatment options. ALF can direct callers to local services in their area, help them learn about clinical trials and help them find a physician. Interpretation services are available for non-English speakers. We also host a vibrant online community across numerous social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.
Since 1979, our Research Awards Program has awarded nearly $25 million for research. Over 800 scientists and physicians have broadened the understanding of the liver, discovered new ways to treat patients, published nearly 30,000 scientific journal articles and secured over 200 prestigious National Institutes of Health grants to further advance the scientific study of liver health and liver disease. Advocacy ALF participates in federal, state and local advocacy efforts to address the needs of people affected by liver disease and that focus on larger healthcare issues to improve liver health and increase research funding.
ALF participates in federal, state and local advocacy efforts to address the needs of people affected by liver disease and that focus on larger healthcare issues to improve liver health and increase research funding.
86 bis route de Frontenex
Case Postale 6364 1211
Geneva 6 Switzerland
The information on this website is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional.
© World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), 2020. All rights reserved. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.